De Fietsfabriek

Only following the bike revolution in Holland from a distance, some amazing developments caught my eye.
Finally there is someone that goes against the rules of how a dutch bike should be.

In Alkmaar to my surprise i found the wonderful shop on Fnidsen 56,
Run by a friendly guy, who gave me a 15 euro worth biography after an animated conversation.
Go there, and be amazed. he even showed me a cardan drive bicicle, a one of a kind.
Take a look, this shop carries the full programme of De Fietsfabriek.
De Fietsfabriek Alkmaar, tel. 0031 (0)72-5203574,

One can allready say he is a living legend in Amsterdam, Yalcin Cihangir.
It took a poor heroic Kurd from Turkey to show us how it is done.
Someone who listens to what people need, and just makes that!
Beware, traditional bike manufacturers in Holland....

