Vegetarian lasagna

general notes:
- this is a quick recipe, could do it blindfolded without tasting, just throw together.
- make the sauces a bit too watery, salty and too tasty.
the pasta leaves will absorb a lot of it.
- probably you don`t even have to go to the shop, except for the pasta leaves.

red sauce:
dice and fry one 1 onion in a deep pan.
add 2 little 400gram cans of diced tomatoes.
add 4 diced pieces of garlic
add basil
add 2 blocks of herb bouillon
add some milk, like 1 deciliter
add salt and pepper
extra, you could add ground quorn soyameat, some vegetables

white sauce:
grate up a 1/2 kilo piece of Gouda or other cheap cheese in rough bits
heat up 100 grammes of butter till it is frying.
add 3 to 4 tablespoons of wheat and stir to a compact paste.
keep adding milk while stirring on the furnace, to about 3/4 liter of milk.
add the grated cheese, while the pan is off the furnace.
add some nutmeg for more taste, and maybe salt.

putting it together with pasta leaves:
poor some (olive) oil in the 2 forms and distribute over the surface,
if not by brush than by hand.
begin with a layer of white sauce, both forms.
add a layer of lasagna pasta leaves.
add red sauce, pasta leaves, white sauce, pasta leaves, red sauce, pasta leaves, white sauce, ready!
end with the white sauce, i mix it up with a little water usually,
because it distributes better over the top. Grate some parmesan over it for extra taste if you want.
put it in the oven ca. 20 minutes on 200 degrees. (depends on how long the pasta leaves have to cook)

