Bakfiets in Stockholm
Maybe he is right.
Just an ordinary weekday in the summen, i decide to go to the shop for some food, as on the way back,
i pass a bicicle shop and just then and there, Henri parks his 995
I cant believe my eyes, a bike from De Fietsfabriek.
Immediately i start a conversation.
As i had just returned from Amsterdam, i was also playing with the idea of importing them to Sweden.
He beat me to it! Later we had a nice meeting in a park, where i was to try his fully equipped model 995.
Amazingly easy to ride.
Where i dont see any problems with the outstanding quality of the unique product,
there might be some obstacles on the Swedish market.
First of all, Swedes are used to excellent public transportation and long winters.
Bicycles fall in the category enjoy the summer rather then necessity and transportation.
Distances and hills play a role too, though that could be solved with adding an electric motor.
To show off the bike on Gotland is a smart idea, lots of swedish people on holyyday there using bicicles,
it might be the ideal place to launch the product. Maybe when they get home they would start to think, this would be usefull at home as well.
Here are some dutch people who started selling and renting out bikes from , a dutch competitor with the same kind of bikes.
This is the address in Sweden,