Grandma`s Dutch applepie

400 gr flour with bakingsoda (or add bakingsoda)
300 gr butter
250 gr castersugar (or normal suger)
2 eggs
5 big apples, not too sweet (goudreneiten)
1 citron for the peel
some salt

first use the butter to butter in the pie-form,
and than distributethe breadcrumbs in it,
they will stick to the surface.
best crumbs is from rusk (beschuit)

Put the butter, flour, salt, 150-200 gr sugar, in a large plastic bowl.
use 2 knifes to cut the butter in ever smaller pieces.
in the end add the eggs and work it to a firm dough, put in the fridge.

Now peel the apples and cut them into course bits.
add the rest of the sugar, cinamon and grated lemonpeel.
be carefull just to grate the yellow layer, the white layer is bitter.

Take the dough from the fridge,
make flat pieces, use wet hands to distribute in the pieform.
add the apples, top it off with a layer dough,

45 min - 1 hour in the oven at ca 180-190 deg. mostly underwarmth.

